HiddenTag® For C.O.P.

Secure Service

Authenticity Verification Service

By encoding different data to seemingly identical images, HiddenTag carries unique information, giving DNA like features to each product carrying the label. This enables the customer to check the authenticity of the product anytime anywhere. HiddenTag responds quickly to any infringements attempts, protecting the brands and customers from the dangers of counterfeit and imitation products.

Genuine Product Registration Service

With scratch type, we provide more enhanced genuine product registration service by adding 4 digit serial numbers. These serial numbers should be manually inserted on the registration page. The serial number can be registered only once. After registration, every time the consumer scans HiddenTag sticker, a message, saying "The numbers are already registered" pops up.

How to Register Genuine Product

1.히든태그 스크래치 제거 / 2.제품에 부착된 히든태그 스캔 / 3.난수번호 등록 / 4.정품인증 페이지 확인

How to verify the authenticity?

'Product Authenticity Verification Service' enables the customer to verify the product authenticity through mobile scanning, by checking the page contain-ing information on the manufacturer, product specification, method of use etc as to the product.
'Customer Registration Verification Service' further confirms the product authenticity in addition to the 'Product Authenticity Verification Service', by which the customer is allowed to register the purchase of the prod-uct.
Through this verification and confirmation, manufacturers and distributors can identify time of purchase and check the scope of services rendered to the customer with the purchase.
Verifi-cation can be scanned through "HiddenTag" provided by "CK&B".
The corre-sponding APP can be downloaded free from Google Play and APP Store.
The HiddenTag code is only recognizable through the HiddenTag APP.

  • IOS
  • Android

HiddenTag® For C.O.P.

Management Service

Distribution Management Service

With HiddenTag labels, each product will have a unique identity, thus brands can manage production and distribution records of the product. Once information regarding manufacturer, distributor, vendor or dates etc. is entered to each product, it will be easy to track and trace every single product and manage products by geographical regions. With GPS tracking system products that are aberrantly distributed are detected and location information is provided.

Tracking and Managing Distribution Channels

· Inventory protection, labor force control and reduction of unnecessary costs
· Enable efficient product supply and to check global distribution channels
· Adjust production through sales volume and consumers information
· Products are connected with blockchain via HiddenTag
· Observe the production, distribution and consumption process without risk of forgery
Distribution by Time Periods
· Monitoring distribution by time periods
· Recording time spent at each stage of distribution
Monitoring Sales by Nation and City
· Sales volume analysis possible
· Consumer purchase pattern analysis possible
· Analysis of intermittent time between purchases
Managing A Product’s Scan Information
· Distribution channels by product
· Monitoring products of unusual distribution activity
· Products of each distribution channels analysis available

HiddenTag Biz - Distribution Tracking Service

Consumer Monitoring
· Consumer purchase quantity analysis possible
· Analysis of intermittent time between purchase made by the same customer
Vendor Monitoring
· Tracking unusual vendor activity
· Analysis of market success depending on specific distribution channels
Sale Monitoring
· Monitoring sales status by time periods
· Distribution channel details by product
· Analysis of time spent at each stage of distribution
Market Monitoring
· Area distribution analysis by nation and city
· Monitoring areas of unusual distribution activity

Monitoring Report Service

We also provide in-depth monitoring reports at our clients’ request.
The monitoring report is based on the data from every scan such as location, time, and number of scan.
The reports shows you various dashboards that can be a valuable insight on how your consumers are engaging.

HiddenTag® For C.O.P.

Marketing Service

From Marketing to Big Data Analytics

· Digitized data to gain innovative and new marketing opportunities with accurate consumer targeting.
· Take advantage of app platform-based advertising with global customers in 350 countries around the world.
STEP 01.새로운 O2O 마케팅 프로모션
STEP 01.
New O2O marketing promotion

Inform your customers to participate event and promotion of products by scanning label with HiddenTag app
STEP 02.글로벌앱 플랫폼을 통한 2차 광고
STEP 02.
Online ads effect with the global platform provided within the app

HiddenTag will help to advertise your brands to potential customers through the app
STEP 03.실시간 시스템을 통한 성과 분석
STEP 03.
Analysis results through real-time system

Diverse data analysis such as event performance analysis, distribution tracking, and market analysis through real-time participation history data of consumers

App Platform Used By Worldwide Global Customers

글로벌 앱 플랫폼 히든태그
Global App Platform “HiddenTag”

HiddenTag is global app platform used by worldwide global customers.
HiddenTag Biz can acquire and analyze users' data based on global platforms.
브랜드 인증 앱 1위
The No.1 Brand-Certified App

HiddenTag app is the No.1 brand – certified app.
It has been the number one in brand product certification for many years in Google play and App store.
전 세계 앱 마켓에 서비스
Service to Worldwide App Markets

HiddenTag app is enlisted in all major app store used world wide; iOS & Google Play. And, it is also enlisted in 5 major app markets used only in China’s market.
주요 7개 국어 지원
Six most used Languages are supported & serviced.

Various contents are provided through professional personnel of each language in seven major languages: Korean, Chinese, English, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Indonesian.

User Information Registration Service

HiddenTag C.O.P has an additional feature that helps our clients gather their consumer’s data. When the consumers scans the label through the app, it leads them to the page to register their personal information ( name, email, contact information etc.), and the access to the authenticity page is granted only after the user has entered all the necessary blanks. You can utilize consumer data provided by HiddenTag on various marketing campaigns, after sales services, and deployment of CRM channel. 1.히든태그 스캔 / 2.소비자 정보 등록 / 3.구매자 확인 및 정품 등록

Event Linkage Service

Event Linkage Service provides powerful tool to brands to engage with their consumers directly. Through the event linkage service, brands can offer rewards and coupons enticing second purchase or choose random lucky consumers and offer prizes, coupons, gifts, etc. 1.히든태그 스캔 / 2.일반적인 정품 인증 페이지 or 랜덤 노출되는 이벤트 페이지

Mobile Advertising Tools

HiddenTag app is an excellent marketing tool for brands in addition to being an authenticity verification tool. Having more than 3 million users in over 160 countries around the world, HiddenTag opens a door to its partner brands to reach out our app users and tell what‘s great about their product! 타켓팅 언어, 성별, 연령, 관심사, 단말기등 / 히든태그 앱 사용자 분석 -성별 및 연령 / 배너광고, 브랜드 광고, 푸시 광고, push, 포인트 몰, 제품 광고
Online Inquires Call (+82) 02-453-8416